STIS Pixel-Based CTI-Correction Tutorial¶
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Please note that AURA/STScI is not responsible for any damage resulting from the use of this software.
Please send any feedback to the STIS team at
Update: See the Known Issues section.
The stis_cti
package implements the Anderson & Bedin (PASP 2010, 122: 1035-1064) pixel-based Charge Transfer
Inefficiency (CTI)-correction on HST/STIS CCD data. It performs bias corrections on the
data, calls StisPixCteCorr()
on the intermediate products, and finishes running the
remaining CalSTIS
processing steps.
The code also creates CTI-corrected super-dark reference files to use in this processing
from component dark files. When run, the user will be prompted to retrieve these
component darks from the MAST archive if they have not already been retrieved. The code
makes use of the refstis
package to generate super-darks from the component darks.
Note that not all observing modes are currently supported. The code will not reprocess data taken in subarray or binned modes, with a non-D amplifier, in ACQ mode, or from before the STIS recovery of May 2009.
System Requirements¶
This package is designed to run on top of the stenv
of the Anaconda Python environment on the UNIX/Linux and MacOS X operating systems. It
currently supports Python 3.
is available at
If building a minimalist environment instead, you will need to install the HSTCAL binaries in addition to the pip installation dependencies.
First, launch the stenv
conda activate stenv
Then, install the required packages within the stenv
pip install --no-cache-dir stis_cti
Note that the --no-cache-dir
option is required to build a version of stis_cti
that is compatible with numpy 2.X.X
if you have previously compiled this package.
Or, to upgrade from a previous installation:
pip install --upgrade --no-deps --no-cache-dir stis_cti
pip install --no-cache-dir stis_cti
pip install --upgrade --no-deps refstis
pip install refstis
To optionally install a local CRDS cache in a common location on your system, please see:
To do this, you will need to define the environmental variables $CRDS_SERVER_URL
, and $oref
Directory Structure¶
To run the correction, you will need directories to hold dark files, pipeline reference files, reference files generated by the script, and science data. Many of these directories may be shared between projects, thus reducing redundant computations.
Here’s one possible layout:
- base_dir/
science/ — contains at least the pipeline’s “uncalibrated” products that are to be corrected
darks/ — component darks (
); their CTI-corrected counterparts (_cte.fits
) will be placed in hereref/ — location for CTI-corrected super-darks produced by the
scriptoref/ — pipeline reference files (specifying the
option creates this directory atref/references/hst/oref/
For example:
mkdir stis_cti_corrected
mkdir stis_cti_corrected/my_science
mkdir stis_cti_corrected/darks
mkdir stis_cti_corrected/ref
By default, the command-line interface assumes that there are ref/
and darks/
directories parallel to the science/
directory (of any name), though alternate
configurations may be specified.
Output files in the science/
directory from a previous run of stis_cti
will need
to be deleted or moved, unless the --clean
option is specified. Applicable corrected
super-darks and darks may be reused for other science data by specifying the appropriate
and ref/
Specifying --clean_all
will force the script to recreate super-darks and re-run the
CTI-correction on all needed component darks.
If the --crds_update
option is not selected, then the $oref
shell variable must
be set before launching the script (including the trailing '/'
). In Bash:
export oref="/path/to/oref/"
This directory must contain the needed reference files specified in the science and
component dark headers, as is typical for running CalSTIS
Command-line Usage¶
The easiest way to invoke the correction is from the UNIX
Note that running this script requires an internet connection to the MAST archive site. The Archive status may be checked at
conda activate stenv
stis_cti --help
usage: stis_cti [-h] [-d DARK_DIR] [-r REF_DIR] [-n NUM_PROCESSES]
[-p PCTETAB] [--crds_update] [--clean] [--clean_all]
[--ignore_missing] [-v VERBOSE_LEVEL]
Run STIS/CCD pixel-based CTI-correction on data specified in SCIENCE_DIR.
Uncorrected component darks are read from DARK_DIR, and corrected component
darks are written there too. Corrected super-darks are read from and stored to
REF_DIR. See documentation at
positional arguments:
SCIENCE_DIR directory containing RAW science data (default="./")
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d DARK_DIR directory of dark FLT data
-r REF_DIR directory of CTI-corrected reference files
-n NUM_PROCESSES maximum number of parallel processes to run (default=8);
number of available CPU cores on your system = 10
-p PCTETAB name of PCTETAB to use in pixel-based correction
(default="[REF_DIR]/[MOST_RECENT]_pcte.fits" or package's
default PCTETAB)
--crds_update update and download $oref files
--clean remove intermediate and final products from previous runs
of this script ('*.txt' files are skipped and clobbered)
--clean_all '--clean' + remove previous super-darks and CTI-corrected
component darks
--ignore_missing process data even with an incomplete set of dark FLTs
-v VERBOSE_LEVEL verbosity ({0,1,2}; default=1)
Written by Sean Lockwood; v1.6.1
The script is designed to run the pixel-based correction in parallel on the component
darks, and in parallel on the science files. The maximum number of processes may be
specified via the -n #
A typical call looks like:
stis_cti -v 2 -n 15 --crds_update my_science_dir/
(Assuming that there are ref/
and darks/
directories parallel to
For recent STIS observations (new data taken in last 30 to 60 days) optimal dark
reference files will not yet be available. This will affect the selection of data
being used to generate the CTI-corrected super-darks. To get the most accurate
calibration, please re-reduce your data after the pipeline’s new super-biases and
super-darks have been delivered by deleting the relevant old CTI-corrected super-darks
in the ref/
directory and running stis_cti
with the --clean
options specified. You may need to download additional component
darks from MAST.
To receive updates when STIS reference files are delivered to CRDS, go to and subscribe to the stis_reffiles_upd
mailing list.
You can also check the status of super-dark and super-bias files by going to and clicking on STIS–>darkfile and STIS–>biasfile. Sort by USEAFTER to see if the week corresponding to your science data has been delivered yet.
While stis_cti
will tell you what component darks are needed, you can also determine
this ahead of time:
archive_dark_query data/*_raw.fits Querying MAST archive for dark and anneal program IDs... Querying MAST archive for darks... Parsing archive results... OC4W6XH3Q, OC4W6YHBQ, OC4W6ZP2Q, OC4W70PCQ, OC4W71TEQ, OC4W72TOQ, OC4W73X8Q, OC4W74XJQ, OC4W75D0Q, OC4W76DCQ, OC4W77HHQ, OC4W78I0Q, OC4W79A5Q, OC4W7AADQ, OC4W7BFGQ, OC4W7CF9Q, OC4W7DJNQ, OC4W7EJRQ, OC4W7FOAQ, OC4W7GO4Q, OC4W7HSNQ, OC4W7ISUQ, OC4W7JXEQ, OC4W7KXAQ, OC4W7LGRQ, OC4W7MGWQ, OC4W7NA1Q, OC4W7OA8Q, OC4W7PM6Q, OC4W7QMDQ, OC4W7RTJQ, OC4W7STNQ, OC4W7TX4Q, OC4W7UXDQ, OC4W7VIKQ, OC4W7WIRQ, OC4W7XNJQ, OC4W7YNRQ, OC4W7ZSZQ, OC4W80TMQ, OC4W81A4Q, OC4W82AGQ, OC4W83NMQ, OC4W84O1Q, OC4W85SRQ, OC4W86SZQ, OC4W87XWQ, OC4W88YHQ, OC4W89D6Q, OC4W8ADJQ, OC4W8BHWQ, OC4W8CI2Q, OC4W8DNUQ, OC4W8EOAQ, OC4W8FBPQ, OC4W8GBTQ Download dark FLT files via Astroquery or MAST form:
Place these darks in the DARK_DIR
Alternatively, a list of the component darks comprising each annealing period is maintained at Note that it does not list the most recent annealing period until it is complete.
Python Usage¶
If you wish to run the stis_cti
script from within Python (say from within another
script), it may be called via:
import stis_cti
# Explicit directories must be specified when run through the Python interface.
stis_cti.stis_cti('science_dir/', 'dark_dir/', 'ref_dir/', 5, verbose=True)
# where 5 is num_processes
Note that there are other options available via the Python interface, but these have not yet been fully vetted.
Output Products¶
The following data products are output by stis_cti
Product |
Original Ext |
CTI-Corrected Ext |
Bias- and CTI-corrected science (intermediate product) |
n/a |
CTE [1] |
Cosmic ray rejected, flat- fielded science |
Flat-fielded science |
1-D extracted spectra for individual imsets:
X1D |
X1C |
2-D spectral and direct images for individual imsets:
X2D |
X2C |
1-D extracted spectra from from summed (REPEATOBS) or cosmic ray rejected (CRSPLIT) images. |
SX2 |
S2C |
2-D rectified direct or spectral images from summed (REPEATOBS) or cosmic ray rejected (CRSPLIT) images. |
SX1 |
S1C |

A comparison of part of a STIS cosmic-ray rejected image. Note the CTI trails are
removed in both the science and super-dark data used to generate the _crc
Advanced Topics¶
Custom Super-Darks¶
For detailed text on how to create and apply a custom super-dark on your system, run:
import stis_cti
The stis_cti
script first determines if the DARKFILE
specified in each science
file’s header is already CTI-corrected (assuming it exists) by checking that the ext=0
header keyword PCTECORR=='COMPLETE'
. If it is, then the script will not attempt to
replace it. This allows users the flexibility to create their own super-darks via the
package with their own parameters and/or input data (e.g.
herringbone-corrected data files).
The stis_cti
package will ordinarily create a CTI-corrected super-dark automatically,
assuming updated super-dark files have been applied to pipeline data (this is typically
done in the months following an observation). To create your own super-dark from
component darks of your own choosing, you may follow the procedure outlined below.
import refstis
import glob
from import fits
# First, populate the _flt.fits dark file headers with the PCTETAB reference file
# location and name.
# Then, run stis_cti.StisPixCteCorr.CteCorr() on the _flt.fits dark files to produce
# CTI-corrected _cte.fits dark files.
# Make the monthly basedark, which is used in making the weekdark:
# (Assuming only the annealing month's darks are selected below.)
month_files = glob.glob('annealing_month/*_cte.fits')
refstis.basedark.make_basedark(month_files, refdark_name='basedark_drk.fits')
# (This produces basedark_drk.fits, which is used as an input below.)
# Make the weekdark, which is applied to the science data:
# (Assuming we have moved the appropriate _cte files for the week to my_week/)
week_files = glob.glob('my_week/*_cte.fits')
refstis.weekdark.make_weekdark(week_files, refdark_name='weekdark_drk.fits',
# (This produces weekdark_drk.fits, which will be used in calibrating our science data.)
# You must mark the new weekdark(s) as being CTI-corrected:
fits.setval('weekdark_drk.fits', 'PCTECORR', value='COMPLETE')
# Point the science files at the new weekdark:
# Define $stisref to point to the directory containing the weekdark in the (Bash) shell.
# export stisref='/path/to/my_dir/'
# Then, on each science file:
fits.setval('science/filename_raw.fits', 'DARKFILE', value='stisref$weekdark_drk.fits')
Now when stis_cti
is run on the science directory, it won’t try to recreate the
super-dark, but will still CTI-correct the science images and apply the new super-dark.
Be sure not to run stis_cti
with the --crds_update
option, as this will override
the custom super-dark specified above.
CRDS Updates¶
Oftentimes, the reference files specified in a dataset get replaced within the pipeline.
This is especially true of super-biases and super-darks produced in the months following
the execution of an observation. When new reference files are available, you may
re-retrieve the data from MAST. Alternatively, the CRDS bestrefs
script now supports
updating header keywords and downloading required reference files automatically.
When run with the --crds_update
option, the script will update header keywords and
download reference files to the $oref
directory nested properly within the
directory, if it is writable. If this is not set up, one will be created
within the ref/
Note that this option is not currently compatible with specifying one’s own super-dark, as
the user-specified DARKFILE
keyword will be over-written. As a workaround, you may
run the CRDS bestref script manually and then override the DARKFILE
keyword as
To run CRDS bestref manually, see or re-retrieve your data and best reference files from MAST. You may also wish to setup a common local CRDS cache of reference files to avoid redundancy and save disk space.
PCTETAB Updates¶
The stis_cti
package includes the v0.1
reference file, which
specifies the parameters necessary to run the pixel-based correction on STIS data. If
this file is updated, or if an advanced user wishes to modify the file to run the
correction differently, the new version may be placed in the ref/
directory. (If
multiple PCTETAB
files are present, the one with the last alphabetical name will be
The location of the current package PCTETAB
can be found by running
or checking log files.
To completely re-run the CTI-correction, you can delete any needed basedarks/weekdarks in
the ref/
directory and any needed _cte.fits
files in the darks/
directory by
specifying the --clean_all
Known Issues¶
If you use stistools.x1d.x1d()
to manually extract your spectra, we recommend using
the argument ctecorr="OMIT"
for pixel-based CTI-corrected data to avoid applying
the empirical flux correction on already-corrected data.
stis_cti <= 1.5.2
fails to process data taken after MJD 60000 (2023-February-25) due to a hard-coded date in the PCTETAB =a01_stis_pcte.fits
. This date has been corrected in the new default PCTETAB =a02_stis_pcte.fits
(v0.2) available instis_cti >= 1.6.0
option breaks withCRDS v7.0.10
. Please use a more recent version.Some annealing months contain non-standard amplifier=A dark files (typical observations are taken with amp=D). These files do not produce
files in the Archive, but are still expected bystis_cti
(even though they are excluded from any amp=D super-darks). As ofv1.1
, users may bypass the missing file check by specifying the--ignore_missing
flag. Care should be taken that only intended dark files are excluded.The primary FITS header keyword
does not get updated in CTI-corrected output products.Running
– A tool to manually extract 1D spectra fromFLT
files:The older empirical CTI flux correction is incorrectly run by default, even if the FITS primary header keyword is set to
.To properly run
files, specifyctecorr="OMIT"
in thestistools.x1d.x1d()
argument list.The output product names when running
do not match those output bystis_cti
Standard Products (Non-CTI-Corrected)
Output of stis_cti
Output of x1d() from stis_cti 2D product